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Topfunky Power Tools Plugin

I recently started using Topfunky’s Power Tools Plugin to clean up some of my testing routines. It’s a nice little package that brings together lots of different asserts that have been out there in the wild in one form or another.

I really enjoy the assert_required_fields method. I used to implement my model checking like so:

def test_should_require_login
  assert_no_difference User, :count do
    u = create_user(:login => nil)
    assert u.errors.on(:login)

...and now with the Topfunky Power Tools Plugin I end up with the following:

def test_should_require_login_password
  assert_required_fields :create_user, :login, :password

Notice how it allows you to check multiple fields at once. There’s a lot more available in the plugin, but sometimes all it takes is one or two little things to make your day.