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Entries tagged “google”

This Week in Django 18 - 2008-04-13

written by Michael Trier, on Apr 15, 2008 12:17:00 AM.

This Week in Django is a weekly podcast about all things Django.

This week we talk about Google App Engine, some changes to the QuerySet Refactor branch, the documentation refactor sprint, some cool projects from the community, the Tip of the Week, and a question from the IRC.

Please see the Show Notes below for all the pertinent information and links


AAC Enhanced Podcast (31.0 MB, 52:51, AAC)

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The Enhanced Podcast version contains screenshots and easy access links to all of the items we discuss throughout the podcast.

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Show Notes

Big News (1:23)

Tracking Trunk (14:55)

Branching & Merging (16:40)

Community Catchup (24:14)

  • Minor Correction – The Django book, , has two other contributing authors, Jeffrey Forcier and Wesley J. Chun. Wesley Chun is also the author of , another great book.
    • – by Mark Lutz and David Ascher.
  • – Django-Developers mailing list is for people developing the internals of Django, not general developers using the Django web framework. This is just part of the growing pains.
  • Django Plugables – Django site to be a centralized repository for django projects.
    • Lessons LearnedEric Florenzano posted an excellent post in relation to the Django Plugables release and his own community project, Django Apps. He prefaces the post with an great quote by George S. Patton, “A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.”
  • DjangoBot / DjangoPeople Integration – Simon Willison and Brian Rosner teamed up to provide a two way integration with the two services. DjangoBot now will report back to DjangoPeople.net when you are active in any of the Django related channels it lives in. This all goes without saying that it can be turned off in your privacy settings on DjangoPeople.net. This will only occur if you have a DjangoPeople.net account AND have given your IRC handle. You will be notified the first time the bot sees you and begins tracking you with a Private Message.

Tip of the Week (44:41)

Calling the delete method on a related object deletes the many side objects too, but does not call the delete method on the many side. There is an easy way to accomplish the same thing using signals.

  • Ticket 6565 – discusses this issue and the solution.

class B(models.Model):
    a = models.ForeignKey(A)

    def pre_delete(self):
        print 'deleting b'

def delete_b(sender, instance, signal, *args, **kwargs):

dispatcher.connect(delete_b, signal=signals.pre_delete, sender=B)

IRC Ad Nauseam (48:38)

Django IRC FAQ

Backwards Incompatible Changes Information

“I setup my static media according the documentation. The admin is showing up properly but none of my own stylesheets or images are being served.”

You likely have the ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX set to the same thing as your MEDIA_URL setting.

Thank You! (51:15)

written by Michael Trier, on Apr 9, 2008 11:09:00 AM.

One of the many frustrations with is that although you can “just use Django”, there is really not much Django left to use. This means if you have an existing project that you’d like to port to AppEngine, at this point it is a lot of work. You can not use your models. You can not use generic views. Of course things like the Admin, databrowse, and fundamentally every third-party app is out of the question.

So naturally the first question everyone wants to know is when is there going to be some kind of AppEngine backend for Django. Although it seems like it’s just a matter of mapping things in the backend, something like this would actually be a lot of work. (GQL) doesn’t support joins and it has very limited query functionality, among other things.

So I was pleased to see that the developers at Google are working towards providing some kind of on top of Django models. It looks to be an interesting project, and I’m thankful for the ideas it helps provide to the Django-SQLAlchemy project. At this point it is just getting started, but it is interesting nonetheless. (Plus, there’s some pretty heavyweight names on there.) I’ll be keeping a watchful eye on it.