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Django 1.1 Testing and Debugging

I’ve been wanting to write this post for about four weeks now, and finally I have a chance to follow through on it. A little over a month ago I picked up Karen M. Tracey’s new book, by Packt Publishing. It’s been surprising to me that I’ve heard little in Django circles about this book because it fills a very nice space that has been a huge void in the Django world for some time. Testing within Django has always been something I’ve struggled with. The platform has never really “encouraged” testing in a way that I was used to in the Ruby on Rails or Pylons world. Likely this was more of an internal personal struggle of trying to figuring out how to fit testing within ...



Michael Trier

I'm a father, husband, software architect, and entrepreneur. I currently own Eminent Consulting Group and a yet to be named venture. You can usually find me on freenode IRC using the nickname Empty.


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  • Passenger aka mod_rails
  • Online Rails Development
  • Zedas Exposed


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