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This Week in Django 30 - 2008-07-20

This Week in Django is a weekly podcast about all things Django.

This week we discuss the NewForms-Admin merge into Trunk, DjangoCon, a few source commits, some cool projects from the community, and the Tip of the Week.

Please see the Show Notes below for all the pertinent information and links


AAC Enhanced Podcast (41.8 MB, 49:31, AAC)

MP3 Edition (34.1 MB, 49:31, MP3)

OGG Edition (27.9 MB, 49:31, Vorbis)

The Enhanced Podcast version contains screenshots and easy access links to all of the items we discuss throughout the podcast.

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Want to give us some feedback on the show? We’re always looking for ideas or suggestions that will help improve each episode. Please contact us at feedback __at__ thisweekindjango.com.

Show Notes

Big News (0:47)

Tracking Trunk (15:04)

Community Catchup (26:16)

  • Kevin Fricovsky – joins the This Week in Django team as Community Evangelist. Kevin will be working to produce the show, contacting guests, gathering news items, coming up with ideas. Kevin has been doing this work regularly anyway so it’s great of him to team up with us to help out the program:
  • PyOhio – Reminder that this free one day conference is in Columbus, OH on July 26, 2008.
  • – via Kevin Fricovsky using the new Twitter Search capability to track all tweets about django.
  • OSCON Python BoF – Tuesday, July 22nd 7pm – 10pm from Jax Bar and Restaurant. Via Jason Kirtland’s excellent blog discorporate.

Tip of the Week (38:32)

This tip comes to us via Ben Jao Ming in his post Django auto-translation of field values.

If you need to translate content in a field then gettext is not going to help you out. Since you can create your own custom fields it’s easy to wrap a CharField with the translation behavior:

from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

class AutoTranslateField(models.CharField):
    __metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase
    def to_python(self, value):
        return str(_(value))

Just add whatever translations you know of to the locale file and run compilemessages.

Thank You! (42:45)
