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Entries tagged “free”

This Week in Django 38 - 2008-09-22

written by Michael Trier, on Sep 24, 2008 10:46:00 PM.

This Week in Django is a weekly podcast about all things Django.

This week we do a DjangoCon retrospective, feature a special live interview with Pownce developers Leah Culver and Mike Malone, discuss a few source commits and some cool projects from the community.

Check it out…

This Week in Django 36 - 2008-08-31

written by Michael Trier, on Sep 3, 2008 1:35:00 PM.

This Week in Django 36 has been posted. It’s a great episode with our special guest James Bennett. Hear James talk about the book, the blog, speaking, and a whole lot more.

This Week in Django 35 - 2008-08-24

written by Michael Trier, on Aug 26, 2008 12:21:00 AM.

This Week in Django 35 has been posted. Don’t miss it. We catch up with Robert Lofthouse, Chairman of DjangoCon and EuroDjangoCon.

This Week in Django 34 - 2008-08-17

written by Michael Trier, on Aug 18, 2008 11:11:00 PM.

This Week in Django 34 has been posted.

This week we discuss Django 1.0 Beta 1, a bunch of source commits, some cool projects from the community, and a tip of the week.

This Week in Django 33 - 2008-08-10

written by Michael Trier, on Aug 14, 2008 1:19:00 AM.

This Week in Django 33 has been posted.

This week we discuss the NEW This Week in Django site, a bunch of source commits, and some cool projects from the community.

All show notes from now on will be on the new This Week in Django dedicated site.

This Week in Django 31 - 2008-07-27

written by Michael Trier, on Jul 29, 2008 7:40:00 PM.

This Week in Django is a weekly podcast about all things Django.

This week we discuss Satchmo, the Django open-source E-Commerce application with Chris Moffitt and Bruce Kroeze. We also look at a few source commits and some cool projects from the community.

Apologies for some of the microphone noise.

Please see the Show Notes below for all the pertinent information and links


AAC Enhanced Podcast (89.3 MB, 1:52:43, AAC)

MP3 Edition (77.4 MB, 1:52:43, MP3)

OGG Edition (63.3 MB, 1:52:43, Vorbis)

The Enhanced Podcast version contains screenshots and easy access links to all of the items we discuss throughout the podcast.

Feeds Available

iTunes Feeds are available. By subscribing using the iTunes feeds the podcasts will automatically be downloaded for you when we release them.

iTunes Feeds

This Week in Django – AAC Edition

This Week in Django – MP3 Edition

Regular RSS Feeds

This Week in Django – AAC Edition

This Week in Django – MP3 Edition

This Week in Django – OGG Edition

Give Us Feedback

Want to give us some feedback on the show? We’re always looking for ideas or suggestions that will help improve each episode. Please contact us at feedback __at__ thisweekindjango.com.

Show Notes

Big News (0:00)

Interview – Satchmo Developers (8:33)

Satchmo is a Django based E-Commerce solution.

  • Chris Moffitt – Project Lead
    • Satchmo Blog
    • Django People Page
  • Bruce Kroeze

Tracking Trunk (1:02:46)

Community Catchup (1:08:41)

  • Callcast – Discussion with Nathan Borror – Another great discussion by Kevin Fricovsky, this time with Nathan Borror.
  • Semantic Django – David Larlet’s website where he archives a collection of open source semantic reusable django apps including such technologies as OpenID, OAuth, Microformats, RDF, FOAF, REST, Atom, Snippets and Patchs.
  • Automating tests in Django – Great post by Eric Holscher that goes through how to create integration tests for your Django applications in an automated way through the use of a Middleware that logs the test creation output to a file.
    • Automating Test Creation – Empty’s feedback on it.
    • Testmaker .002 – Eric updates us with new additions to his open source test project including adding a management command, making it simple to add TestMaker to your project just but adding a reference to INSTALLED_APPS.
  • Django Subdomains – Every have the requirement to implement customized subdomains in your django app, mapping to a model key? It makes for clean, personal, simple to remember url (ex. username.yourappname.com). If you’ve ever used the popular Basecamp web application you’re familiar with their URL structure – [companyname].projectpath.com. This tutorials details how you can do the same as well as references other posts who attempted the same thing, and issues they all ran into along the way.
  • Creator/updater fields for admin – Peter Baumgartner, LincolnLoop, recently got his hands dirty customizing a newforms-admin implementation and created a a customized ModelAdmin class that sets fields for models saved in admin corresponding to the user that created the object and the user that last updated the object. Seems trivial for the currently edited model but the catalyst for this was making sure inlines received the same auditing synchronization. He also leverage JQuery to provide additional client side logic.

Thank You! (1:46:38)

  • NERD_Tree – Excellent VIM plugin that gives a project drawer like behavior.
  • Michael Trier
    • Empty Thoughts Blog

This Week in Django 30 - 2008-07-20

written by Michael Trier, on Jul 21, 2008 11:54:00 PM.

This Week in Django is a weekly podcast about all things Django.

This week we discuss the NewForms-Admin merge into Trunk, DjangoCon, a few source commits, some cool projects from the community, and the Tip of the Week.

Please see the Show Notes below for all the pertinent information and links


AAC Enhanced Podcast (41.8 MB, 49:31, AAC)

MP3 Edition (34.1 MB, 49:31, MP3)

OGG Edition (27.9 MB, 49:31, Vorbis)

The Enhanced Podcast version contains screenshots and easy access links to all of the items we discuss throughout the podcast.

Feeds Available

iTunes Feeds are available. By subscribing using the iTunes feeds the podcasts will automatically be downloaded for you when we release them.

iTunes Feeds

This Week in Django – AAC Edition

This Week in Django – MP3 Edition

Regular RSS Feeds

This Week in Django – AAC Edition

This Week in Django – MP3 Edition

This Week in Django – OGG Edition

Give Us Feedback

Want to give us some feedback on the show? We’re always looking for ideas or suggestions that will help improve each episode. Please contact us at feedback __at__ thisweekindjango.com.

Show Notes

Big News (0:47)

Tracking Trunk (15:04)

Community Catchup (26:16)

  • Kevin Fricovsky – joins the This Week in Django team as Community Evangelist. Kevin will be working to produce the show, contacting guests, gathering news items, coming up with ideas. Kevin has been doing this work regularly anyway so it’s great of him to team up with us to help out the program:
  • PyOhio – Reminder that this free one day conference is in Columbus, OH on July 26, 2008.
  • – via Kevin Fricovsky using the new Twitter Search capability to track all tweets about django.
  • OSCON Python BoF – Tuesday, July 22nd 7pm – 10pm from Jax Bar and Restaurant. Via Jason Kirtland’s excellent blog discorporate.

Tip of the Week (38:32)

This tip comes to us via Ben Jao Ming in his post Django auto-translation of field values.

If you need to translate content in a field then gettext is not going to help you out. Since you can create your own custom fields it’s easy to wrap a CharField with the translation behavior:

from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

class AutoTranslateField(models.CharField):
    __metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase
    def to_python(self, value):
        return str(_(value))

Just add whatever translations you know of to the locale file and run compilemessages.

Thank You! (42:45)

This Week in Django 29 - 2008-07-13

written by Michael Trier, on Jul 15, 2008 11:17:00 AM.

This Week in Django is a weekly podcast about all things Django.

This week we have a special guest, Kevin Fricovsky, that joins us as we talk about DjangoCon, EuroPython, a few source commits, some cool projects from the community, and the Tip of the Week.

Please see the Show Notes below for all the pertinent information and links


AAC Enhanced Podcast (74.2 MB, 1:31:20, AAC)

MP3 Edition (62.8 MB, 1:31:20, MP3)

OGG Edition (51.5 MB, 1:31:20, Vorbis)

The Enhanced Podcast version contains screenshots and easy access links to all of the items we discuss throughout the podcast.

Feeds Available

iTunes Feeds are available. By subscribing using the iTunes feeds the podcasts will automatically be downloaded for you when we release them.

iTunes Feeds

This Week in Django – AAC Edition

This Week in Django – MP3 Edition

Regular RSS Feeds

This Week in Django – AAC Edition

This Week in Django – MP3 Edition

This Week in Django – OGG Edition

Give Us Feedback

Want to give us some feedback on the show? We’re always looking for ideas or suggestions that will help improve each episode. Please contact us at feedback __at__ thisweekindjango.com.

Show Notes

Big News (3:38)

  • EuroPython 2008 has come and gone.
    • EuroPython Talk Materials
  • DjangoCon – Jacob Kaplan-Moss let the cat out of the bag and let us know that a DjangoCon is being planned for the 1.0 release timeframe for September 6th and 7th. More details to follow. We’ll keep you posted.

“DjangoCon 2008. Venue: Googleplex, San Francisco Bay Area. Dates: 6th and 7th Sept. Official post will be on djangoproject.com soon.”

  • Callcast – Jacob Kaplan-Moss and DjangoCon 2008

Tracking Trunk (14:27)

Branching and Merging (34:18)

  • Learning NewForms-Admin

Community Catchup (47:27)

  • How to build Django web apps – Looks to be a great workshop with one of Django’s superstars, Jeff Croft.
  • – Very cool application by Julien Phalip that makes it easy to add tree menus to your Django app and manage the structure dynamically from the customized admin interface. View the 0.4 release post for more information.
  • First Two Django Screencasts – Eric Florenzano never sleeps. His first foray into screencasts are quite impressive. He covers: 1. Setting up a Django Environment 2. Using Django-Pagination
  • Interview with Jacob Kaplan-Moss – Great interview by Brazilian Marinho Brandão.

Tip of the Week (1:10:41)

Mike Axiak offers the following tip for getting started with contributing to Django source code.

1. Find a closed ticket that interests you. 2. Take a look at a closed ticket, but not the patch. 3. Check out the revision prior to the one that closed the ticket. 4. Write a patch for Django with your own implementation. 5. Compare your patch with the committed patch and try to learn from the differences.

Once you’re comfortable do it for real.

Thank You! (1:23:24)

  • – Simple keyed content that you can insert into your templates.
  • Cloud27 – A social network built on Pinax.
  • This Week in Django 24 – Interview with Pinax / Cloud27 founder James Tauber.
  • Django-Hotclub Channel
  • Kevin Fricovsky
    • How I Work Daily
    • – Discussion group for Django-NYC attendees. If you’re in the NY area, be sure to check it out.

Two New Great Books

written by Michael Trier, on Jul 12, 2008 11:57:00 AM.

There seems to be a plethora of Python related books coming out these days. I just stumbled across two interesting ones. First up is . I desperately want this book but I’m tired of paper books. It’s available on Safari Online, but I don’t have that. I’d really like to see a Kindle version. I’ll probably end up buying the paper, because it looks to be very exciting.
Secondly is . This book is offered as a free beta book, but will also be available for purchase through Apress. I’ve skimmed the contents but plan to spend some time with it in the coming week. I’m really interested in the Deployment chapter, so I’ll probably start there first.

No TWiD This Week

written by Michael Trier, on Jul 7, 2008 8:53:00 PM.

Apologies to all but there will be no This Week in Django podcast this week. Enjoy the week off and we look forward to seeing you all next week on TWiD Live.