This Week in Django 31 - 2008-07-27

This Week in Django is a weekly podcast about all things Django.
This week we discuss Satchmo, the Django open-source E-Commerce application with Chris Moffitt and Bruce Kroeze. We also look at a few source commits and some cool projects from the community.
Apologies for some of the microphone noise.
Please see the Show Notes below for all the pertinent information and links
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OGG Edition (63.3 MB, 1:52:43, Vorbis)
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Show Notes
Big News (0:00)
- PyOhio was amazing. Kudos to Catherine Devlin for doing an awesome job.
- Django 1.0 Alpha – Test it out and provide feedback.
- Django Push to Beta Sprint – August 1 in Washington, DC and on IRC.
Interview – Satchmo Developers (8:33)
Satchmo is a Django based E-Commerce solution.
- Chris Moffitt – Project Lead
- Satchmo Blog
- Django People Page
- Bruce Kroeze
- Coder’s Eye Blog
- Solid Site Solutions
- GoSatchmo – Commercial support site for Satchmo
- Mentioned Items
- OSCommerce – Popular PHP based E-Commerce solution.
- Pinax – reusable apps reference application.
- Free Software Foundation
- Ooh-Ga-Boo-Ga – Huge installation of Satchmo
Tracking Trunk (1:02:46)
Changed/fixed the way Django handles
– Basically, URL resolving will only use thePATH_INFO
will be prepended byreverse()
automatically. Allows for more portable development and installation. Also exposes SCRIPT_NAME in the HttpRequest instance.
To ensure that a model BooleanField? has an explicit value set
: – Since it’s not required, by default, set the default properly in the constructor.
Handle sitemaps with more than 50,000 URLs in them
– Implemented by using pagination.- sitemaps spec limit of 50,000.
Community Catchup (1:08:41)
Callcast – Discussion with Nathan Borror – Another great discussion by Kevin Fricovsky, this time with Nathan Borror.
- Semantic Django – David Larlet’s website where he archives a collection of open source semantic reusable django apps including such technologies as OpenID, OAuth, Microformats, RDF, FOAF, REST, Atom, Snippets and Patchs.
Top ten things that suck about Django, revisited – Jeff Croft does a follow up article on a post he did two years ago updating the status of the items needing improvement.
Automating tests in Django – Great post by Eric Holscher that goes through how to create integration tests for your Django applications in an automated way through the use of a Middleware that logs the test creation output to a file.
- Automating Test Creation – Empty’s feedback on it.
- Testmaker .002 – Eric updates us with new additions to his open source test project including adding a management command, making it simple to add TestMaker to your project just but adding a reference to INSTALLED_APPS.
- Building a Community Site with Django in 40 Hours or Less – Excellent writeup on the Lincoln Loop blog that shows how they quickly built out a Biking Trail application in Django on top of the Pinax platform.
- Django Subdomains – Every have the requirement to implement customized subdomains in your django app, mapping to a model key? It makes for clean, personal, simple to remember url (ex. If you’ve ever used the popular Basecamp web application you’re familiar with their URL structure – [companyname] This tutorials details how you can do the same as well as references other posts who attempted the same thing, and issues they all ran into along the way.
- Creator/updater fields for admin – Peter Baumgartner, LincolnLoop, recently got his hands dirty customizing a newforms-admin implementation and created a a customized ModelAdmin class that sets fields for models saved in admin corresponding to the user that created the object and the user that last updated the object. Seems trivial for the currently edited model but the catalyst for this was making sure inlines received the same auditing synchronization. He also leverage JQuery to provide additional client side logic.
Replacing Django’s ORM with SQLAlchemy – Will Larson steps through how to use SQLAlchemy within Django but replacing the ORM.
- Replacing Django’s ORM with SQLAlchemy – Empty’s feedback on it.
- – another way to use SQLAlchemy with Django.
- FLOSS Weekly interviews Jacob Kaplan-Moss – Randal Schwartz interviews Jacob Kaplan-Moss at OSCON about Django.
Thank You! (1:46:38)
- NERD_Tree – Excellent VIM plugin that gives a project drawer like behavior.
- Brian Rosner
- Brian Rosner Blog
- TWiD Live
- Kevin Fricovsky
- Monty Lounge Industries – Kevin’s web strategy, design, and development company.
- How I Work Daily – Kevin’s blog
- Michael Trier
- Empty Thoughts Blog