Relax, It's Forking Okay

There’s been a lot of commotion over the recent fork of the Pidgin IM client by the folks behind FunPidgin. The community at large has grown accustomed to the idea that forking is a “bad thing.” On the other hand the use of distributed version control systems (DVCS), like Git, Mercurial, and Bazaar, have made the idea of forking a project something that is part of the standard process. The fact that there is an “official” repository is one of community agreement and not anything dictated by the software. Large open source projects are investigating how to gain the benefits of a DVCS while still maintaining control of their code base. Some, like the Ruby on Rails project, have decided recently to make the jump. I am encouraged by this, and I’ve been watching the IRC discussions in #github pretty closely as they attempt to figure out the logistics of working in a distributed yet overall centralized fashion.
So the real question in my mind is why do we, as a community, have a general distaste for forking? A lot of people will say because it divides the resources and the end result is two half-assed projects instead of something that could adequately compete against closed source solutions. Although, that may be the case in some situations, it certainly doesn’t have to be the case. The drive for providing a permissive license is so that we can all benefit off the work that came before us and help propel it to that next level. In a lot of ways that is what forking is all about. If we look at an analogous situation in the research world, it is dependent on the idea of forking research. Each project takes prior research and throws something new into the mix, and moves it along to the next level, for the benefit of all. Why do we not see it the same way in the software world?
What is interesting to me is that we seem to have no problem of forking ideas if it is to put them on another platform. Consider blogging software. Every time a new framework / language comes out there are multiple development efforts to do a WordPress clone, or a Typo clone, etc… on the new platform. The same holds true for Content Management Systems, and a host of other types of applications. We could argue that those efforts do not work to help strengthen the open source offering. But I feel differently. I think competition and choice are beneficial to the community at large. If WordPress provides integrated Flickr support, then Mephisto feels compelled to add Flickr and Magnolia support. We also can not discount the learning opportunities that these types of forks provide. In the end we all win.
I think one of the real reasons that many are uncomfortable with forking is because because the most successful open source examples we have to look at, projects like Linux, Gnome, or Rails have all been these monolithic efforts driven by a single individual (Linus Torvalds, Miguel de Icaza, or David Heinemeier Hansson). The success of those projects in large part are a result of the charisma, intelligence, and management of those individuals. This has left us with the impression that this is how it should be done. While it has been clearly a successful approach it is not the only approach. There have been truly community driven projects like PostgreSQL that have been hugely successful, with no one individual clearly at the helm.
Clearly a lot of open source dictators of the day have no interest in seeing their projects forked. That has direct impact on their ability to render influence in the community, and works to dilute their personal brand. Quite honestly this is a real issue because this influential capital translates into real dollars for these individuals. That said, where I have seen forking or competitive offerings the end result is that both projects benefit. Most recently I feel that the Merb project has forced Ruby on Rails to get after it and address some of the performance issues. Even if Merb has no impact at all on Ruby on Rails, for a lot of people it will be exactly what they are looking for in a framework. That does not make the Merb approach correct and the Ruby on Rails approach incorrect, just different.
I am actually quite excited that this issue is being brought to the forefront by the DVCS systems. I am also eager to see the forking of more projects. There is no requirement that says the things I’m interested in seeing in a blog platform needs to be the same things that you are interested in seeing. There is room for both of our ideas, whether we work together or separately. Some people will be compelled by my offerings and some by others. In my opinion the community benefits from this plethora of ideas and options. This is a “good thing.”