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Entries tagged “writing”

Writing a Book

written by Michael Trier, on Mar 23, 2007 8:48:00 PM.

I’ve really been enjoying Dave Thomas’ PragDave blog series on Writing a Book. In this series of posts Dave Thomas gives some guidance for those whom desire to write a book, or may be in the process of writing a book.

A long time ago in another life I was very close to accepting an agreement to write a book for Jeff Duntemann’s now defunct publishing company The Coriolis Group. Due to a lot of circumstances, mostly personal, I decided not to do it. It was the right decision at the time, but I have nonetheless thought about writing a book ever since. Perhaps someday the opportunity will present itself once again, and I’ll have both the time and the right life situation to follow through with it.

If writing a book is something you’ve thought about or posted on your list of 43 Things, take advantage of Dave Thomas’ helpful notes.