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Entries tagged “youtube”

DjangoCon - Enjoy the Fun

written by Michael Trier, on Sep 16, 2008 2:08:00 PM.

Last weekend I had the unique privilege to attend and participate in DjangoCon, the first international Django based conference. It was a wonderful experience and I had the great opportunity to meet a lot of incredibly smart people. I was especially excited to be able to participate by Moderating two discussion panels and doing the This Week in Django show live. The whole thing was held at Google, which is just amazing, and they recorded all of the presentations and have made them available. I encourage you to . note, if you want higher quality videos watch them on YouTube and select “watch in high quality”. I participated in the following:

Panel: Django Technical Design

A technical design discussion panel featuring core developers: Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Adrian Holovaty, Simon Willison, James Bennett, Malcolm Tredinnick. This one was a ton of fun and I only wish we had more time. I had a bunch of questions that I did not get the opportunity to ask, and others that were covered in prior keynotes so I thought it was best not to harp on them any longer.

Panel: Schema Evolution

A panel discussion on Schema Evolution and three popular approaches to this problem for Django. Featured project leads Simon Willison (), Russ Keith-Magee (), Andrew Godwin (South). This panel had some spirited discussion on schema evolution and their different approaches. It seems that there are enough similarities that we will hopefully see some collaboration among the projects.

TWiD Live

Michael Trier & Brian Rosner do a live presentation of the This Week in Django podcast. We were a bit nervous about this one since in our regular weekly podcast we have an opportunity to stop and start or do certain item over again. With the exception of a couple of minor mistakes it turned out great and was tons of fun. I was quite surprised by the number of questions that were asked. The only bummer about this one right now is that it cuts off the intro and the outro, but we’re trying to get Google to restore that.