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Entries tagged “pinax”

Cloud27 - A Social Network

written by Michael Trier, on Jul 12, 2008 12:24:00 PM.

This morning I got my first glimpse of what will become Cloud27, featuring a sporty design by Greg Newman, and I already like what I see. Cloud27 is a new social network based on Pinax, a Django reference application for reusable applications.

So if there’s Pinax, why Cloud27? Well Pinax is where all development and new ideas happen. Pinax is project intended to provide a starting point for websites. Cloud27 will actually be focussed on building out on the base of Pinax and expanding it into a kick-ass social network application.

To find out a whole lot more about reusable applications and Pinax, I highly recommend a listen to This Week in Django 24, featuring Pinax / Cloud27 founder James Tauber.

I’ll be keeping an eye on Cloud27.

This Week in Django 24 - 2008-06-01

written by Michael Trier, on Jun 2, 2008 2:46:00 PM.

This Week in Django is a weekly podcast about all things Django.

This week Eric Florenzano fills in while Michael is out. We talk to James Tauber about who he is and what Pinax is. A few trunk changes and some community bits.

Please see the Show Notes below for all the pertinent information and links


AAC Enhanced Podcast (32.7 MB, 44:47, AAC)

MP3 Edition (41.7 MB, 44:47, MP3)

OGG Edition (53.7 MB, 44:47, Vorbis)

The Enhanced Podcast version contains screenshots and easy access links to all of the items we discuss throughout the podcast.

Quick note, Brian Rosner did the audio in Michael’s absence. Its not as good as what Michael produces, but he is getting better with it :)

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Want to give us some feedback on the show? We’re always looking for ideas or suggestions that will help improve each episode. Please contact us at feedback __at__ thisweekindjango.com.

Show Notes

Big News (0:25)

We’re back! Apologizes for last week’s cancellation. Michael’s wife gave birth to their 2nd child, Lucas Matthew Trier. Welcome to the world, Lucas!

James Tauber Interview (1:12)

  • James is the CTO at US-based startup mValent.
    • Tell us a little about mValent? Is Django involved?
  • How did you come to find and use Django?
  • You created django-hotclub. What is it?
      • – Provides a way to handle email confirmation without getting in the way of the user.
      • – Provides many useful commands to your ./manage.py script.
      • – Defines a relationship between two Users and provides utilities and tools around it.
      • – Asynchronous e-mail handling with a do-not send list and more.
      • – Private messaging between users on a site.
      • – Provides a simple way to announce things to all members on a site.
      • – Localizes all datetimes on a site to the user specification.
    • Pinax – Project connecting all reusable apps together to provide a framework to adding your own.

Tracking Trunk (31:51)

Community Catchup (35:09)

  • – Sleepy, allows you to create a static site by rendering Django templates to HTML.

Thank You! (39:08)

  • Special thanks to Brian Rosner for handling the show production this week. You did an awesome job man.